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Week of March 30th - April 3rd (Lesson Content):

Task 1 - Warm-up: 

K-5 Grades: Popcorn Jumps Challenge led by Coach Armstrong

Equipment: N/A

Task 2:

K-2 Grades: YouTube Phys.Ed Review (Scarves Phys.Ed School) 

Equipment: 1 Scarve - If do not own any scarves grocery bags, paper towels or napkins will work.

Directions: Follow along with the challenges in the video.

3-5 Grades: Phys.Ed Review (The Super 7 - Juggling Scarves)

Equipment: 2 Scarves - If do not own any scarves grocery bags, paper towels or napkins will work.

Directions: Follow along with the challenges in the video.

Task 3:

K-5 Grades: Catch Quest (Catching Progressions)

Equipment: Any type of ball that has some bounce


Task 4 - Closure:

K-5 Grades: Mindfulness - Mindful Minute 

Equipment: N/A

Thank you to the following (listed below). If included below I have used one if not more of your resources on this page. Once again thank you! 
Kevin Tiller - @physedreview
Mike Ginicola - @PhysEdDepot
Casey Kathleen - @MsBarclayPE
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