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Remember: Make sure to ask parents/family members for permission before doing any of the activities listed below.

Week of April 20th - April 24th (Lesson Content):

This week's main focus is on balance and gymnastic skills.   

What are we learning?

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Task 1: 

K-2 Grades:  Animal Travels with Balance Coordination Movement Warm-Up


Equipment:  No equipment needed


Directions:  Follow along with moves in the video.

3-5 Grades:  Cardio Fitness Warm-Up


Equipment:  No equipment needed


Directions:  Follow along with fitness moves in the video.

Task 2: 

K-5 Grades:  Base of Support Balances - Body Parts Touching the Ground


Equipment:  No Equipment (Find large safe space to practice)


Directions:  Watch the beginning for instructions then create your own balance using the number shown in the video for bases of support. 

How many different balances can you create?

Task 3: 

K-5 Grades:  Individual Balances - Would you rather 


Equipment:  No Equipment 


Directions:  Choose 1 balance to do. Balances change every 20 seconds.  

How long can you hold each balance?

Task 4: 

K-5 Grades:  Shapes and Balances Task Card 


Equipment:  No Equipment 


Directions:  Try out the different balances and see how many of them you can do. You must hold the balance for at least 5 seconds. When successful choose a new balance to try. You can print off your own sheet by clicking here if you have access to a printer or just view on here.

How many balances can you complete?

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Bonus Physical Activities this week:

K-2 Grades:  Animal Walks for Early Elementary


Equipment:  No Equipment (Find large safe space to practice)


Directions:  Follow along with the different animal walks throughout the video.

When you finish it is now your turn to create your own animal walks. 

3-5 Grades:  Advanced Animal Movement Walks


Equipment:  No Equipment (Find large safe space to practice)


Directions:  Follow along with the different animal walks throughout the video. The moves are pretty tough but as always do your best. See how many of them you can do.

Thank you to the following (listed below). If included below I have used one if not more of your resources on this page. Once again thank you! 
Ross Chakrian - @Mr_C_PE
Ben Landers - @thepespecialist

© 2020 ArmstrongPE - Managed by Ryan Armstrong @RArmstrongPE

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